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[alfa] Carello Spider headlamp covers

Is there any interest out there for keeping the headlight buckets, etc.
mounted from the front, be able to have a shiny rim, and still be able
to install the Carello covers?

As I commented earlier, what happens should both of one's headlamps /
bulbs go out on a dark and stormy night - are you prepared to jack the
car up, remove a wheel, then the inner forward wheel well panel, remove
the bucket, disassemble, replace bulb / headlight?

Oh sure, it was pointed out to me who would take their precious Alfa
Spider out on a dark and stormy night? (Big) sigh, I hate realists.

I appreciate the information received on the subject, especially John
M's first post to the Digest. Very informative and the URL's he included
were most helpful.

My problem, as I mentioned to John H., is the Euro and current US
aftermarket solution of mounting from behind with the headlight just
barely peeking out of its hole reminds me of buying expensive pills at a
drugstore, after opening the box, taking out the tiny bottle, then
removing the cap,  there lies 12 little itty bitty pills.

Or to phrase it another way, "Where's the light?" (And why is it hiding
back there?)

Talked to Jon N. at Alfa Parts regarding this subject. He / they had 50
or so made up 20 years ago which sold for $50 apiece. Sounds as if they
were done right in that they were made of spun brass, then chromed.
They'd be very expensive today. Anyone have one I could look at?

As of the moment, 'believe'  I have two solutions for front mounting.
(a) A lot of work and requires a considerable amount of  modifying. (b)
'Should' be a bolt on affair, but fairly expensive - however you'd get a
new bucket along with the rim and complete hardware.

You did say you'd like a pair of Cibie lights - preferably NOS vintage
with city lights in your 'kit' to go along with your fresh US of A type
front mounted lights with Carello plastic covers, didn't you?

Irwindale, CA USA
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