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[alfa] Re: lurching & bucking at start

    I haven't followed the thread on the master link (missing? - can't be! vs 
maybe, but how can you tell?  or are you saying you had two master links and 
one? - I don't think that's posible!).  
    Regarding the bucking and lurching.....  Check the 
air intake hoses and electrical connections of the L-Jet system.  If the 
hoses are
loose, you can open an airgap when the engine rocks (weak motor mounts?) 
during hard acceleration.  Then the flowmeter is not correctly measuring air
intake and the mixture will lean out.  Been there.....  Done that......   ;-(

Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 10:58:31 EST
From: [email protected]
Subject: was: [alfa] Spider timing chain link :  NOW: lurching & bucking at 

Concensus was about 50% don't worry about it, and 50% "don't worry but 
definately check it out".

Chain is fine - "Extra" link must have been dropped in the past, and finally 
migrated to the drain plug.

All of a sudden last night it starts lurching & bucking from a brisk start in 
Revs up, drops down alarmingly, revs up, drops down until I panic & shift to 
Other gears, idle, and gentle starts are fine.

Vaccuum leak?  VVT?  Aux air device?  What did I put back on wrong?

Thanks for the ideas,
- -mike mcmahon
86 spider
94 164 - needs trans cooler fan
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