Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 10:49:59 -0500
From: "Brian Shorey" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: [alfa] Window tint
Does anyone know how to remove aftermarket window tint? After receiving
speeding ticket last night (doh!) the officer read me the
riot act on the illegalities of tinting front side windows in
this fine state.
The reason your Verde still has window tint is because I removed it from
the Bora first. After that adventure, I figured I'd rather spray paint
the windows black on another car before I'd remove window tint again.
That said, it can be done. Best to start with a razor blade and a hair
dryer, chances are the tint itself will peel off rather easily leaving a
layer of residue that becomes your real problem.
The best I found for that was a product called "Goof Off", I used that a
bunch of times, followed up by Windex. The whole process took 3-4 days
for the entire car, an hour or two per day (which was all my arms could