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[alfa] Re: 164 clutch master

I used a pressure bleeder as well.  Additional, I removed the dampener and slave from their mounts and raised them during bleeding to be at the highest elevation in the system, thus to make bubble removal easier.

I think all is well, except the pedal definitely rides lower due to the lesser extension of the master cylinder in the rest position.

I have also heard that the flexible lines go bad on the LS and Q models and if I continue to get a stiff clutch in the cold, I will change these as well.

- Jason Hagen
Chicago, IL
'73 Spider
'95 164Q
> I was not able to completely bleed my clutch master even after bench 
> bleeding.  I put almost an entire bottle of brake fluid by pumping the 
> pedal and the pedal was still soft.  I finally bought a pressure 
> bleeder.  It took me about 15 minutes to bleed it and I have had no more 
> problems.
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