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[alfa] re: Automotive reliability

At 11:26 PM +0000 11/24/03, alfa-digest wrote:
Going out on a limb, I'm going to say the two biggest strides in
automotive reliability (I'm limiting reliability to the engine and
drivetrain operating well enough to get you to your destination -
whether it be through thick or thin or on a nice sunny Sunday afternoon)
are overhead valves and alternators.
I'm not sure what overhead valves really have to do with reliability, but the only engine I've ever seen throw a rod right before my eyes was a sidevalve lawnmower. (That's also probalby the only sidevalve engine I've ever taken apart.)

As a student of engineering, I'm tempted to agree completely about alternators, for theoretical reasons. But as a kid who grew up around daily-driven vintage Jaguars, I must say that I never heard my parents say anything about a generator, and those cars were rock-solid reliable.

I'm going to cheat a bit and include that on occasion one's car might
have a problem (on the way home). However, if you can pull into say a
Standard Station (or?) and the mechanic on duty there not only has the
part / parts required and can get you out in less than an hour, it only
counts as a slight delay to your destination.

(Just eliminated every Alfa - not to mention every non US or Asian
automobile -  on the face of the earth with that one).
No way. If you pull into a service station in most parts of the world, you'll have a lot more luck getting a Peugeot or VW repaired than a Chevy. In fact, I remember a caller on CarTalk once--he was a USA military guy who took his Chevy Suburban with him to where he was stationed in Europe, blew a headgasket on the Autostrada, tried to get it fixed--the story reminded me a lot of what it's like having an Alfa in the USA.

Joe Elliott
'82 GTV-6
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