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Re: [alfa] Automotive reliability

At 06:35 PM 11/23/03, you wrote:
Believe I might have brought this subject up before. When talking with
cousin today it came up how our folks and various relatives might drive
to someone's house in a raging snowstorm and have a party. Kids would
come along and have their own. Then everyone would drive home.

When was the last time you drove your Alfa in a raging snowstorm?
Would have been back in 2001? when I drove it back from Las Vegas to my home in Colorado. Had a fine time, no problems, but hit heavy snow coming across I70 at vail Pass and on until I dropped down off Eisenhower Pass. Lots of snow but fortunately just a bit of slush on the roads. Had fixed the heater before the trip so i was warm and toasty in the Spider.

I'm trying to get a copy of a photo of my grandparents, my mother and
her five sisters and three brothers in two touring cars. The photo was
taken in the Black Hills of South Dakota around the late teens or early

When was the last time you took your nine... Okay, when was the last
time you took your family touring in a place similar to the Black Hills
in your Alfa?
Never the family, but I've been on a few. California to Colorado when we moved. Took three days taking the scenic route via Durango and other lovely places. Later a trip to Las Vegas and back to see the Guggenheim Motorcycle exhibit, "The Art Of The Motorcycle". On the Vegas trip i did have some idling problems when i got to Vegas which I traced to some spark plugs going bad. I think it was due to the fact that the car was tuned rather on the lean side for my home in Colorado so it would run better at high altitude, up in the Nat Park, and was really really lean in Las Vegas. New plugs and a twist on the Spica and it ran wonderfully the rest of the trip.
I never hesitate to take my Spider out on longer runs. Multi day camping trips, blasts through the mountains, its so far never let me down.

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