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[alfa] vibrations - (good or bad? you be the judge)

Mark Denovich contends: "Biba, I'm disappointed to learn of your
anti-impact prejudices.  When working on a rusty car, an impact wrench
is a god-send.   Not because of the amount of torque it develops...
With a half inch ratchet in my hand, I'm much stronger (than a 1/2
impact)   It's how it delivers the torque. Where a hand tool will
happily torque a corroded fasterner clean in half, an impact wrench
generally breaks it loose, or doesn't budge it."


Apparently we've had different experiences with impact wrenches. My take
on them is they do love rusty fasteners, especially rusty suspension
studs and other fittings. I will give you they do make short work during
the removal process as I've found they just twist it right off.

I certainly won't say I've never twisted off bolts, etc. with my trusty
hand tools, but most often I can either see it's beginning to turn but
not actually being removed, at which time I have the choice of more PB
Blaster or just twisting off if easily replaced later.

I want to make the choice, not the machine.

If I've not confessed this issue often enough I will do so one more (at
least) time - I'm very anal and hate to see nicely chromed (or zinc
plated or brass) lug nuts chewed up by the chattering removal and
replacement of these items by the use of The Tool of Doom.

Yeah, I have one. Use it to spin off and on alternator nuts.

You'll all be 'forced' to visit my latest engine prettying up once
uploaded to my website. I even cringed when I had to use the box end of
my combination wrench since it left very small marks on the new brass
nuts (which couldn't be reached with a six-sided socket or open end
wrench) on the exhaust manifold.

In response to your, "Oh, wait now I get it... You charge by the hour.
:)", I'd rather take my time Especially with removing rusty fasteners
rather than waste umteen hours drilling out broken studs with an 'easy
out' (the military must have named them), then locating a new one /

(Steady as she goes)
Irwindale, CA USA

I have a theory that those who use impact wrenches A Lot, never let
their engines warm up before screeching off, for instance, to Starbucks
for a fix.
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