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[alfa] RE: HELP: 95 164LS Clutch Slave Cylinder R&R - Done! + Procedures

The "Slave" was fairly easily replaced, and bleeding 
was exactly the same way as with bleeding brakes! 


1. loose airbox to intake plenum hose, unplug AFM 
2. undo the clips and remove air-box' top.
3. remove air-filter
4. undo 4 nuts holding bottom airbox (13mm ??)
5. somehow rotating it while raising it to remove the
   airbox bottom. Now the clutch slave can be easily worked
6. use a circlip tool to undo the circlip holding the
   cylinder in place. Don't remove it yet.
7. use an open end wrench (13mm?) to loosen the hydrolic
   hose. tight it down just enough to stop leak.
8. A plastic cable wrap behind tthe cylinder needed minor
   relocation to facilitate withdrawing of the slave.
9. have new slave ready (remove plastic plug)
10 undo hydraulic hose from old unit, holding opening
   with finger, and screw in to the new unit asap w/
   minimal leak.
11 insert cylinder back into the mount, remember the 
   circlip. There's a notch on the cylinder so that it
   can only be installed at correct position.
12 return the plastic cable wrap back to original location
13 The bleeding nipple is the same as used on brake 
   calipers so bleeding it exactly the same way, push
   clutch pedal - open valve - close valve - pull clutch
   back up, and repeat.

The new cylinder has a slightly differnt shaped pivot
to the clutch lever atop clutch.. The parts numbers on
the cylinder are however exact match of the original 
one just removed.. hm..

Now, did it solved my problems? (stiff pedal and
clicking noise from clutch area in engine compartment)
Not! The pedal was even more stiffer with new slave!
and clicking noise continues.. hm... 

However, after the weekend driving around, the original
problems were all gone?!?!?! 

I tested it hydaulic pressure, and pushing the
piston back in with hand and all was very smooth.. hm.. 
So I don't know, I may have just replaced a perfectly fine

At least everything's good right now :) Fan working, 
clutch smooth and no noise :) And procedure list for
someone needing to replace the slaves :)

Thanks to all who replied :)

88 Verde
95 164LS
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