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[alfa] re: Sylvania silverstar

At 1:57 AM +0000 10/22/03, alfa-digest wrote:
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 07:33:59 -0400
From: "Jay T Hinton" <[email protected]>
Subject: [alfa] Sylvania silverstar

Just installed some Sylvania silverstar headlamp bulbs, and noticed a
pleasant improvement. Its whiter light, as they claim, and
seemingly, more diffuse, or perhaps, even in lighting the roadway.

What is less pleasant is the price, 20 dollars a pop for the typical
Milano style bulbs, over at AutoZone.
Overall, seems to be worth it. Their website seems to contain a great
deal of info., of course.

Ciao, Jay
I checked out their web site and I can't figure out how they differ fundamentally from normal 9004 lamps. The chart says they put out 700 lumens on low beam and 1200 on high, just like normal 9004 bulbs. But I don't think it's just a coating to alter the hue of the light, because they make the same claims for their European market "Silverstar" line which they say lacks the tinted coating of the USA market version. Hmm.

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