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[alfa] Re: Where/how to get Alfa valve cover polished

In AD v9n865, Jason writes:

> Can anyone please share with me where I can have my valve cover for the 
> Alfa 
> 2.0L engine polished up all shiny and chrome like?  Also, how much does this 
> cost?  Is it possible to do it yourself, or is this a professional chore?
> Thanks,

Jason, not sure where you live (PUT IT IN YOUR SIGNATURE! - Fred), but check 
with the race/hot rod builders in your area. They can point you to someone 
that does metal finishing. A look through the yellow pages will, too, but you may 
want to run some of those names by the hot rodders, just to be sure you have 
someone that understands.

Don't have the polisher spend too much time around the "Alfa Romeo" script as 
they have a tendency to try and polish it off the cover while trying to get 
everything to shine.

I had mine done here in the Seattle area and it ran around $100.

The *tart* sure looks nice with the polished valve cover and the euro exhaust 
ceramic coated. :-)

7711615 (the Tart)
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