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[alfa] re: Need help conning potential Alfa buyers on eBay


You know, much as I enjoy your posts and love trying to think through the 
occasional obscure part, I got lost on this one. Exactly what do you want/need 
and how conspiratorial are we getting? :-)

OK, here's my .02 -

Figure out what you want to do and do it. If moving the '69 is the priority, 
do the work to get it nice looking, running, and reliable and put it up for 
sale. Be honest about what's in it, people swap stuff all the time. If it's done 
well (and we know you do nice work), someone will buy it and think it's the 
neatest thing since sliced bread, as long as you're up front about what it is 
(and isn't).

If getting it original is the priority, do that.

Don't know about adjusting orifices, not touching that one with a ten foot 
pole ...

Wes advises to not mess with taking apart the FI nozzles. Apparently they can 
be tricky for those who don't know them well. Knowing you to be a 
dyed-in-the-wool carb guy, maybe you shouldn't bother with them. (gentle, good-natured 
jab intended) :-)

For the crank pulley, call APE, they love the little requests ... just 
kidding. Try Wes (206.762.3931), he has a pretty good selection of SPICA related 
items. I picked up a single belt pump pulley for the Alfetta when I removed the 
air pump (don't tell the epa folks, please).

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