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Re: more 164S clutch discussion

In response to Karl's clutch question, Jason mentioned his difficulty in 
getting the TO bearing to snap on to the pressure plate in his 164 LS (same 
as S and Q).  Jason found that spinning the engine with the starter helps to 
seat it and wondered if greasing the TO bearing would make it easier.  As I 
had no difficulty in setting the TO bearing to seat in my S without using 
grease (except for the splines), I was puzzled, and so, I took a look at my 
new spare clutch to see what could explain Jason's difficulty.  Here is what 
I found:

The S TO bearing has a plastic ring that covers and compresses the metal snap 
ring.  When the TO bearing is pushed up against the pressure plate, the 
plastic ring is forced back as the pressure plate moves over the snap ring.  
If the plastic ring is out of place (which could happen if someone was 
playing with it), I can see how it would be diffult to force the the pressure 
plate to move over and expaned snap ring.  I still don't understand how 
spinning the engine helps, but with the plastic ring in place, it should be a 
snap without needing to engage the starter.   

Good luck with the new clutch karl,    -Farzan
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