Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 21:25:53 -0700
From: "Fred Wright" <[email protected]>
Subject: GTV-6 Transaxle oil lead
Need your help here......While driving on beautiful Pacific Raceways 2.25
road course in Seattle during a lapping day( at high rates of speed I
might add) my GTV-6 decided to throw out some transmission oil.
It seemed to happen on hard left hand turns especially in turn 8 after
some hard braking. It was a fairly warm day by Seattle standards 75-80
no humidity. The oil flew back on the muffler and caused a James Bond
like smoke screen. I got that "OH- NO feeling" and exited the track at
the first chance I got. Once I stopped, I noticed several small oil
leaks(5-6 on the ground and a fair amount of oil on the lower tramission
housing and the muffler. Maybe a 1-2 oz. altogether.
I let the car cool at the track and no more leaks. I drove the car home
about 15 miles and a few drops were on the floor when I inspected it
tonight. Not much though. I jacked up the car and took a good look at the
transaxle. The leak seems to be on the left side of the trasaxle but it
doesn't seem clear exactly where it is coming from. It looks like it has
been leaking under motion for some time just a bit. There was some oil
around the speedo sender(My guess as the problem) and the reverse light
socket but hard to tell. Good news is there are no cracks of missing
bolts. Checked the oil level and it is down just a bit.
The transmission was recently rebuilt built by a local shop and has been
working fine. Not a drop of oil from the tranaxle since it was done in
Sept. until now?
Love to hear your thought and suggestions before I take it back to the
Fred Wright
NWARC - Seattle " Home of the 2005 National Convention"
85 GTV-6
77 Spider
69 GTV