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Re: Spark plug wires causing miss on 115?

Hey Jim,
I hope someone with direct 115 experience writes in also. I've just wrestled 
a set of bad sparkplug wires to the ground so, I feel like the "Worlds 
Foremost expert!" (I'll surely get over that soon).
I suspect what you have is a set of 16 year old wires that have become 
somewhat porous from Ozone degradation. This compromised your ignition right after 
the splashdown and fouled your plugs. now the wires themselves are dry (yet 
still porous) and your fouled plugs are dragging down the cars performance.
I'll suggest you get yourself a new set of OEM wires. They last a hell of a 
long time, and the connectors are the best I've seen.
The "Premium" replacement wires I've used have been a huge disappointment. I 
expected them to last longer than they did, by a factor of about 5.
I hope this is of some use to you.
Jim Oiler
1991 164L (new wires here)
1969 912 (wires replaced last year)

In a message dated 6/29/2003 11:46:01 PM Central Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

> Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 12:34:54 -0500
> From: "Hillesheim, Jim" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Spark plug wires causing miss on 115?
> Got caught in a downpour, splashed through numerous flooded intersections,
> and shortly afterwards developed a miss at idle, just off idle, and whenever
> under load. Inspected and cleaned (although no sign of corrosion or
> moisture) all high tension connectors from dist. to coil, to plugs, all to
> no avail.
> The symptoms match those of my Miata when the plug wires failed. So I'm
> suspicious --- especially since the 115 still has the original Bosch wires
> (16 yrs old, 50K miles). This is my first post-60s Alfa, so I need to ask,
> at what point do these wire sets need to be replaced? What are my options
> (Bosch, aftermarket)? Sources? The car is not raced, but not pampered
> either: except for opened - up exhaust, the car is stock.
> Or have I overlooked something else that is causing my problem? Given that
> the trouble started a few minutes after the flooded streets, I suspected
> moisture around the high tension  parts, but having found none, maybe there
> is no connection.
> Suggestions please,
> Jim Hillesheim
> Lawrence, Kansas
> '87 Spider Veloce
> '58 Giulietta Spider
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