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RE: Detension for bad spelers?

I think my spelling went south after recently printing out the Alfa 164 Q manual and TSBs and attempting to read them! There are so many misspellings in there that I thought I was learning Italian! Being an Alfa guy has its negative points too I suppose, like grammar and spelling influences...

FYI, the reference to after school "detension" was a joke- perhaps I should have explained that explicitly in the original e-mail!


-Jason Hagen
'73 Spider
'95 164Q
'93 MIT (MS, BS Mechanical Engineering, NOT SPELLING!)

From: "Ev Micou" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "Ev Micou" <[email protected]>
To: "C M Smith" <[email protected]>
CC: "ALFA DIGEST" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Detension for bad spelers?
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 22:27:28 -0700

Michael, for you english speakers, there isn't a word "irregardless"...use

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of C
M Smith
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:13 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Detension for bad spelers?

Irregardless of those who desire to add to the lexicon, Alfa Romeo in
writing their 1991 model year shop manual for the guidance of we benighted
"english" speakers, AND EVEN IN TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH from whatever
language the manual is originally written in for the North American market
(perhaps including Mexico, who knows?), refers to the component responsible
for maintaining correct tension in the Timing Belt as a belt tightener.
Now, agreed that this term applies to the hydraulic belt tightener. Who
knows what Alfa calls the mechanical version?

I say the brilliant engineers who designed and manufactured the fabulous
timing belt system should receive full credit for devising the correct
terminology to describe it. This is particularly the case since there does
not seem to be a correct tension for this component. There is however a
correct tightening torque to be utilized for tightening the tightener.

It is strictly speaking neither a tensioner nor de-tensioner, it is
simply  a "tightener".

Now, can we girls go back to what we were doing before?

Those who cannot spell shall be required to be detained by appropriately
tightened detensioners in detension after 'ours.

Michael Smith
White 1991 164L
Original owner
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