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Electric fan in Spider

In a message dated 5/21/2003 6:53:29 PM Central Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

> Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 16:50:04 +0000
> From: [email protected] (Dave Martin)
> Subject: Re:  Electric fan in Spider

this is New York - it can be in the 40s on a cool August morn, and I rarely 
> need to run the AC).
> So my question is this: assuming the electric fan works and has proper 
> thermostatic switching, why do I need the fan that's bolted to the water pump?
> Why not get rid of it?
> Dave Martin
> Endwell, NY

       In New York, if it never gets over 40 degrees even in August, you do 
not need a fan at all.  Get rid of both them.  <grin>
       The late air conditioned spiders all had an auxiliary fan in front of 
the radiator.  It is wired to run when the air conditioning is on.  There are 
some relays on the driver side of the fender near the air cleaner that control 
the electric fan and the air conditioning.  I studied their function once, 
but forget the particulars.
       I rewired mine to run from a toggle switch when I want it to run.  You 
could also wire in an aftermarket probe that fits in the lower radiator hose.
       Removing the engine driven fan can give a bit of horsepower.  Leave 
the fan shroud in place to help air flow.  If the car over heats with just the 
electric fan, put the engine mounted one back on.

Russ Neely
Oklahoma City
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