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re: poly trailing arm bushings

I personally haven't compared back to back, but I know of many GTV racers who 
will not run urethane trailing arm bushings.  They are quite happy with the 
stock rubber type, as long as they're in good shape.  You need some 
longitudinal compliance back there.  Poly is fine for the trunion grommet and 
end bushings, but the trailing arms may transmit too much force to the body, 
may even cause shuddering under heavy braking.  

I have heard that a poly transmission mount caused way too much vibration to be 
transmitted back into the cabin as well.  The old style 1600 transmission 
bushings are being remanufactured and are available from alfaholics, among 
other places.  I just bought a couple.

Steve Schaeffer
Seattle, WA (56F and drizzly)
'65 GTA with new rubber tr. arm bushings, poly trunion conical bushing


I can't see any reason not to use urethane bushings anywhere and
anytime.  They're far superior to plain rubber regardless of how hard
you push the car.

I recently replaced the trailing arm bushings in my CS and the results
were very noticeable, despite the fact that the original rubber units
were not terribly worn.
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