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I've gotten many interesting responses to my 'freeloaders' comment.
Many people saying to give it away for free, the club should be in the
business of helping any and all Alfa owners.

So, I've got a couple of questions.

First, a year or so ago, the chapter newsletter discussion came up.  I
wanted to be able to get copies of the chapter newsletters, preferably
on-line, for a nominal fee.  I was called a cheap skate, even though I
offered to pay.

So, why then aren't the chapters broadcasting stuff like this to all of
us who are interested, for free?

Second question, AROC requires membership to participate in things like
national conventions, etc.  Why?  Why not just let anybody show up and
attend?  Sure, I know insurance costs money, but so does hosting a web
site, and printing a newsletter.

The same logic that has everybody telling me to just give away our
content, shouldn't that logic apply to other 'value' that the club

Just curious..

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