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RE: Weird things found in P.O. Alfas

Couple years ago I acquired a 72' GTV for free (through the digest)which had sat for about 10years to be parted out at my mechanics shop. The spare tire area and trunk was carpeted in mouse feces (so much so that I immediately broke out in a rash on my arms) and the area between the cams had been a home to some other woodland creature. In the course of stripping the car I recovered the Spica Air Box from the trunk and the Ansa tail section of the exhaust. Piled all my booty into my booty and drove the 40 miles home. Decided to clean the air box and discovered 3 field mice which were hibernating (it was Feb) in each of the runners within the box. Installed the Ansa on my GTV and drove approximately 10miles then parked the car to continue some other work on the car. Upon returning to the rear of the car I found one more field mouse, very woozy and blackened. Thus I summized he had made a home of the Ansa and somehow survived the 100mile flatbed ride to the mechanics, the 40 mile run to my house from mech AND a 10 mile test run within the newly installed old exhaust!! Talk about mighty mouse. He drunkedly walked away into the bushes never to make a home in a car again.

Take care,
Alfa less in Astoria, NY
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