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Re: Chassis Stiffening - 105 GTC

there was a nice GTC at the Concorso Italiano last
August, there might be some photos of it at or or other

they are beautiful...

ian lomax

--- James Murphy <[email protected]> wrote:
> Paul,
> I had a GTC a few years ago, and as I remember, the
> GT and GTC cars
> were the same from the doors forward, except the GTC
> windshield frame
> was different to accept the hardware for the top.
> The reinforcement for the 'C' was all around the
> passenger compartment
> - front inner fenders, under the dash, in both inner
> sills, and across
> the rear bulkhead.  After the first few hundred cars
> were built, Alfa
> added a X-shaped cross member under the floor to
> square up the cars and
> they added an extra piece to the door latch to keep
> the doors closed. 
> The early cars tended to have their doors pop open
> during cornering as
> the body flexed.
> The 'C' has unique roll down rear windows, and the
> dimensions of the
> rear compartment and trunk area are different from
> the GT.  This was
> needed to accommodate the well for the top storage.
> The top is a clumsy, multi-hinged affair, not at all
> like the easy
> opening tops on the '66 and on spiders.  The GTC
> owners manual
> supplement has a two page instruction showing how to
> open the top. 
> Unzip the rear window, un-clip the header, fold it
> partway up, stop and
> move the material out of the way of the hinges, fold
> some more, stop
> and fold the material back - almost like making a
> box corner on a bed
> sheet, then push the top into the well and zip the
> cover over it.
> The car has a very nice profile with top up or down.
>  People, even if
> they know Alfas, really like the GTC, since they are
> seldom seen.
> I have seen cut coupes, and they do not have the
> right proportions. 
> And of course, most don't have a proper top, if they
> have one at all.
> Sorry I don't have any detailed pictures of the top
> frame, etc.  My car
> went to a buyer in Northern California in late 2000.
>  It was under
> restoration the last I heard. 
> -Jim Murphy
> Northboro, MA
> --- Paul Bayly <[email protected]> wrote:
> > All this talk about chassis stiffening has got the
> brain going again
> > and I'm
> > wondering if anyone can shed some light on what
> methods Alfa employed
> > to
> > stiffen the GTC compared to the 105 Coupes.
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