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I know and remember the great depression even though I have reached a
ripe old age at 89. The auto industry in America like many other large
producers of things the masses need over produce so we have under
consumption when we can't buy back what we produce. Give t/he wealthy
big tax breaks so they can invest in more mfg facilities so they can
create jobs? What do they do with the over filed ware housesThe
wealthy can't buy all of that inventory, it is the wage erner who need
to buy the over production. Give us some of the surplus and we create
jobs quickly. Alfa got into trouble by us not buying their products.
I lived through the Stock Market crash in '29 and through the Great
Depression. I had to work for as little as 25 cents an hour until
WWII, then got a buck an hour as an electrician building Destroyers
for the Navy. History repeats itself! Sory if you don't like this
sort of thing in the Digest but I simply had to tell somebody. Fred
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