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RE: Spider Dash swap

I had "help" putting a new dash in my 72 spider, and it was not a good
experience, partly because of the help I allowed to work on it, and
party the condition of the old wiring, much of the wiring was incorrect
from past owners. The helper, ripped out my seats (which were welded
in), and took out all the wires with minimal labeling. It cost me
several hundred and towing to have a shop sort out the wiring, and some
is still not correct a year later. They refused to weld, so that is
still marginally repaired as well, pending new seats to be fabricated
in. The two manuals I had with wire diagrams were near useless, in my
opinion. It is nice to have a decent dash, but be careful who helps and
take care swapping the wiring, and don't plan to knock the job out in a
weekend. In addition to the 4 bolts Ian mentioned, you have to remove
much of the console in addition to the gauges, but as he says, not the
windshield. Close quarters under there!



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