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Strange idle problem fixed.

Hi all,

I posted yesterday about a strange idle problem with the 1750 GT Junior. I got one response, checked the idle jets were screwed in tight. They were, car still felt like it was flooding. Whilst I was mucking about with the car, had it running, and noticed fuel dripping from the mounting plate (the car has air horns). I think I found the problem!!

At the last race meeting last year the fuel filter blocked (actually on the way there), I had just fitted a new fuel pump, so I must have disturbed a whole lot of crap, which blocked the filter. Pulled old filter and discarded, drove a short distance to a petrol station and bought a generic filter, plumbed it in place. In doing so I have taked the fuel pressure regulator out of the system. Obviously my float valves leak!!

Replumbed the pressure regulator in line with the filter, hey presto, car idles fine now. Now I can put those big jets back in :-)

Stuart Thomson
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