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Heat Shield (was: A couple questions:)

Paul Misencik wrote:
1)  My Graduate doesn't have an underhood heat shield.  This is the car that's
getting ready to be painted, and the paint on the hood is totally shot - dead.
I have never seen a hood pad offered, and there are decals under the hood as
if they are not supposed to be covered up.  Were they simply designed without
heat shields?  Will my new paint cook like the old paint did?  If so, has
anyone fit a heat shield to their Spider?
Check IAP, they sell Dynamat's hood heat shield material/sound deadener. It's a foil faced, self-adhesive foam. Just cut-n-paste.

For a cheaper solution, the same material is sold as heating duct insulation. It comes in a roll about 18" wide, made by Frost King. A roll should do a whole hood, and was about $15 at Home Despot.

I used it to replace the sagging, ratty liner in my Milano.

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