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Heel and toe mod

From: "Paul Bayly" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Heel and toe mod

Doesn't raising the accelerator pedal height make it very uncomfortable on
longer trips ?   After owning a few Alfas the last thing I'd do is raise the
pedal.   I am currently cutting and welding the pedals in my 75TS to get the
pedals nearer the floor. (I'm talking vertical height from the heel mat)


Yes.  Reducing the lever arm does increase perceived "throttle response," but
to the same degree, it increases the effort required to push the pedal down,
and moves the contact spot further up your foot.  Soft soled shoes on a long
trip are particularly uncomfortable; after a while, you think you're standing
on a spike.

Bracing the throttle foot against the center console (for LHD; I don't know
how close the pedal is on RHD cars) helps for longer transits, but once again,
I think the factory had it about as good as it can be for normal use.

Regarding foot positioning for heel and toe downshifting (which Fred doesn't
have to do, but I think I do) moving my foot up on the brake pedal and rolling
the ankle to blip the throttle gives me the best modulation of braking and rev
control.  This is as Dana and others have mentioned.

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