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Big Brother

I will not respond to Tim's post as I would like to. I have much more to say in response. Certainly,however, it would provoke further heated exchanges.

I will express a few thoughts only and hope that we will soon drop the topic or I must return. My personal rule is : if you choose to entice me with off topic remarks of a political/social/religious nature, be prepared to accept a response that you may not like.

* A fear of Big Brother is indeed warranted especially after the free pass many of our government reps believe they have a right to after 9/11. ("Everything is different now.") Anyone sincerely worried about the repression of Big Brother should first join the ACLU and then become an active freedom fighter. In desperation even hard core ACLU hating citizen have called on them for help in protecting their constitutional rights.

* I am a passionate supporter of the constitution, most especially the first amendment. The notion that one cannot express religious views because it is not politically correct is obvious right wing propaganda. On the contrary, any attempt to keep government and religion separate is considered politically incorrect. Our president and his followers, including Lieberman, perpetually bring religion into their communications and insist on the nonsense that humans cannot behave themselves without some supposed diatific rule book. ( not agreed on by any two believers).

George Bush senior stated loudly and clearly to the entire world that nontheists were not real Americans. Thirty to forty millions of citizens at least were swiftly written off.

Despite 30-40- million nonbelievers in this country, religious expressions exist even on our money ( an obscenity to connect God to such a materialist symbol - pure capitalist propaganda; believers should be horrified at this sacrilege) and in our pledge - not prayer? - of allegiance. Our constitution QUITE DELIBERATELY makes no mention whatever to a god or gods. Want a theocracy ?; move to the middle east.

( I find it so ironic that I and my many nontheist friends and acquaintances are more offended by what we consider sacrilege than are believers. That prayers should be offered and God called upon to take sides for the success of a military action or little league game - and so much more - is sacrilege writ huge. How astoundingly presumptuous! I am embarrassed by you. )

With my tax money and despite my deep passionate embrace of the constitution, a representative of religion is paid a huge amount of money to lead prayer before government sessions. The government is at every turn attempting to have me, a lover of the first amendment, pay for religious instruction or influence. (Vouchers, e.g., are obviously a poorly disguised attempt at government supported religious indoctrination. A nontheist would find it impossible to be elected to high office because of the enormous ignorance and bigotry in this society.)

Consider that people like Lott and Ashcroft behave according to their personal religious beliefs; that's why the latter was assigned to his office.

To suggest that a support of the first amendment is only an insincere concern and a form of political correctness is about as absurd, self-serving, and bloody dead wrong as one can imagine. I am so very sick and tired of the Right Wing invented idea of "political correctness" being misused and abused by the very people who introduced it into our consciousness and conversation. CLEARLY, many religionists in this country have as their goal the establishment of a theocracy. It's happening. Be afraid. Jerry Falwel is only one example....... only one. These attempted intrusions into our freedom of religion is everywhere - including our national religion, football.

Please keep your person religious beliefs out of my face. I will fight relentlessly to support our right to religious expression or nonexpression; I have in fact done this all my life. However, you have no right to intrude on my personal theocratic beliefs even if this basic freedom from religion is contradicted thousands of times a day in this country and in a thousand different ways.

I find it ironic that folks like me will become ferocious when legitimate personal religious expression is interfered with while the very people whose I rights I am willing to die for will not give me (and 30-40 MILLION) similar protection and support. I said you provoked me : THAT IS PURE SELFISH HYPOCRISY.

* I do not mind right wing opinion; I even agree with Bob Novak some times; however, when I am asked to believe that the sun rises in the west ........ forget about it.

* Don't tell me about addiction to nicotine. Until a few years ago I was addicted from the age of 10. However, when your personal vices or virtues intrude on my rights, all bets are off. When I sit down to a fifty dollar gourmet meal and you light up at the table next to me, you are unnecessarily intruding negatively into my well being. Sit next to me at a baseball game? .... same thing. You will have immediately provoked a headache and other physical reactions not conducive to eating a fine meal and a wish to socialize with friends. TAKE YOUR SELFISH EGOISM AND ADDICTION OUTSIDE!

* As with smoking, we have for the sake of personal freedoms long sanctioned such things as smoking in public and many many other behaviors. ( Consider the hot rod snow mobilers and water jet bozos who destroy the little peace and quiet we have left and yet are allowed to do it to the detriment of a great many less selfish individuals. ) That people are finally wising up for the sake of their health is no attack on your freedoms.

* So, shall we bash it around on line? - BOTH positions? I just need to know the rules, but you can't have it both ways. Pronounce something ill thought out, threatening to my freedom, and politically/socially/religiously self serving and threatening to me and I will respond.

* Finally, Mr. Catholic Lay Minister Big-Guy, that you first define a fight for your rights in terms of brawn, blood, and ammo is a perfect metaphor for the primitiveness of the Conservatives' solutions to problems. (Surely I need not offer examples as it relates to our religious/big balls government) This is, I suppose, what Jesus what do, hmmm? Not to mention Mohammed. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition? How sick. This is the stuff of suicide bombers.)

May I respectfully suggest that the Roman Catholic Church has a one hell of a lot more to be concerned about beyond issues of smoking in public. I say that in part as a result of years and years of Catholic "education."


Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 09:24:13 EST
From: [email protected]
Subject: Big brother is watching!! Can you say "OnStar?" (WTFOB)

<<Jim Whitty, administrator of Oregon's Road User Fee Task Force, in an
exclusive interview with , called the GPS mileage tracking tax
proposal necessary because "it costs a certain amount to drive on the road
per vehicle and people ought to pay their fair share of their usage." >>
Uhh, I thought that fuel taxes were used for that?

<<The idea of raising the existing gasoline tax was also turned down because
with automobiles becoming so fuel efficient, gas tax revenues are projected
to dry up.>>

Oh, like thats bloody likely. I haven't seen a car that damn efficient!
Here's a little more proof that we will soon be adding another letter to our
country's monicker. U.S.S.A (sound familiar?) All these years, we have
been fighting communism, now we are falling into its grasp.
For example, Does anyone on this group smoke? If you do, you'll know what
I'm talking about. Slowly but surely, our rights as a free country are being
taken from us. We, as a country, are hell bent on Democracy in other
countries. But he can't even hold on to it here.
Think about it. The first thing that Communism gets rid of is the freedom of
religion. Thats been obvious lately, that you can't express any religious
beliefs because its not "Politically Correct". Personally, Ladies and Gentleman, its time for a Revolution. Pretty soon,
we'll have to get rid of our pride and joys to be forced to drive the
Government approved mode of transportation. ( Anyone up for a 2005 Trebant?)
I'm sorry for venting, but this stuff really gets under my skin. I'm a
Layminister at our local Catholic Parish. I'm also 5' 10" and 260 lbs, 50 "
chest and 20" biceps. Willing to fight to the death for what I believe in. As
should we all.
So stock up the ammo, and keep the hardware well oiled. We may need it in
the future. I pray to God we won't.

Tim Timko
88 Alfa Romeo Milano Platinum
82 Lancia Zagato
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84 Mercedes Benz 190e (338,000 miles)
97 Jeep Cherokee Sport
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