Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 15:52:32 -0700
From: "Jason Arrington" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Exploded Spider Fan
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 16:51:46 -0500
From: John Gallagher <[email protected]>
Subject: Exploded Spider Fan
No, not me, the engine fan. Finally suffered the dreded fan
failure at about 3,000rpm in east nowhere. Fortunately no other
damage. Can someone recommend an electric fan conversion?
The victim is an '85 Graduate. Thanks.
I looked into this when my fan blew, but I found that the later
with A/C are difficult to convert, since the condenser is mounted
where you would normally mount the electric fan in a push
A pull configuration (on the engine side of the radiator) was going to
be impossible without swapping out the water pump for a '90+ model.
Since my A/C works and I prefer to keep it, I finally just bought a
plastic fan.
If you do trash the condenser, there's a nice tech article on
with the procedure for installing a "push" electric fan.
Good Luck!
Jason Arrington
'87 Spider Quad
I happen to be in the process of installing an electric fan on the
back side of my 78 Spider's radiator and was also about to come to the
conclusion that it would not clear the water pump pulley. It will!