Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 13:51:42 -0500
From: "Damien Gaboury" <[email protected]>
Subject: Compression test question
OK the question will seems basic.
I want to perform cylinder compression test on my spider 86 and I want to know
what the simplest way to cut fuel is.
On my other cars, I had just removed the gas pump fuse in the fuse box. With
the spider, it seems more complex to get access to the fuse. I reed it is back
of the driver sit.
I reed that someone simply disconnect the coil, but I don't want to pour some
gas in the oil pan
Here is my choices: 1) disconnect the gas pump under the car, 2) disconnect
electrical wires at each injector or 3) disconnect the wire at the air flow
What is the best way ?