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Re: Milano A/C


I went through a similar process last summer after replacing the compressor
on my 91.  I ended up staying with R12.  It is more efficient and this was
confirmed by inquiries at three different shops and it's what the Alfa
system was made to use.  The kicker for me was finding how relatively cheap
and available R12 is through places like eBay.  I did my own recharge and
replaced all the drier and the "O" rings in the process.  Some places don't
like using the 12 oz cans that are typically found on eBay-like outlets.
But it worked out fine.

The knock on 134 seems to be the higher pressure, lower efficiency, and a
tendency toward more leaks, etc.  There is a good discussion on this in the
old 164 archive, as well.

Hope this helps,
Also,  there are several R12 replacements.  I investigated some via the web
but do not have first hand experience.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bain, Bill" <[email protected]>
To: "'Alfa Digest'" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 9:30 AM
Subject: Milano A/C

> The PO of my Milano had the A/C repaired as part of the deal and the
> shop converted it to R134a.  It definitely does not cool as well as an
> R-12 system -- Here in ATL, it's good for about a 20 degree differential
> (i.e., 100 degrees outside, 80 degrees inside).  It was not a cheap job
> -- the PO spent several hundred dollars because the compressor needed to
> be replaced, along with the receiver dryer, pressure switch, etc. The
> shop's rationale was that since they did not replace the hoses , they'd
> rather it leak (if it does leak) relatvely cheap R134a than expensive
> R12.
> Before I did anything, I'd invest $100 or so and have a A/C shop check
> out the system -- although R12 is not cheap, if there's nothing really
> wrong with the system, it would be less expensive than a R134a
> conversion done right, and it would work better as well.
> Bill Bain
> AROC Atlanta
> '83 Spider (parts finally arrived frlom Hurtienne -- weekend project is
> back on track!)
> '87 Milano
> --
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