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Re: 74 Spider Fuel Pump Fuse

Hi Terry:

On the Spica Spider's, there is a little 2-fuse box (although it only has 1 fuse) tacked onto the left side of the main fuse box. If you want to kill the electric fuel pump, it's easiest to just pull the bottom wire off its terminal on the box. That will avoid stressing the fuse holder.

Have you checked the ignition with a timing light to see if you're getting spark, and getting it when you're supposed to? Don't crank the starter for more than 10 - 15 seconds at a time.


'74 & '87 Spiders

At 07:51 PM 12/15/2002, you wrote:

Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 16:24:15 -0700
From: "Terry Johnston" <[email protected]>
Subject: 74 Spider Fuel Pump Fuse

Is the fuel pump of a 74 spider on a fuse?  The owners manual is not to
specific on this.  Now that I have the fuel pump replaced on my 164S (wasn't
all that difficult) its time to concentrate on the spider again.  I've put a
RML electronic saystem in but can't get it to start.  I think I have
massivelly flooded the engine.  I thought I may have gas in the oil but after
dumping the oil today that does not appear to be the case.  I am think that if
I disconnect the fuel pump I can expell the gasoline from the cylinders.
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