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trailing arm bushing removal

I have to respectfully disagree with the suggestion that a press shouldn't be used to remove and install trailing arm bushings.The basis for the comment was that it's easy to bend the trailing arm.This is absolutely correct-ask me how I know.However, another Houston Alfisti,Dave Abmayr,has built a jig that works in conjunction with a standard 12 ton press that eliminates the problem.Dave's jig is a height- adjustable stand that supports the other end of the trailing arm(the end that 's not in the press.The idea is to keep the trailing arm parallel so that the bushing doesn't get "cocked"as it exits/enters the sleeve.In addition, Dave has collected several mandrels that closely match the diameter of the two bushings.I have watched Dave successfully remove and reinstall trailing arm bushings on 7-8 pairs of trailing arms without ant problems.The process is MUCH faster than the slash and burn method.

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