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RE:chain Ben tightening
Ben, I thought I answered your questions. please tell me if you got it.
Since you decided to put your questions in the Digest I had better
post my reply there, Before I go further. let me announce what the EYE
doctor at the VA clinic told me today (might give you a clue to the
typos i mke too often) "Fred you are now legally blind") No more
driving etc. A shock to be sure but I can cope. What hurts a lot is
my inability to trace a wiring diagram or read a newspaper, magazine or
book without magnification. The VA will give me a 20 inch monitor with
a keyboard to magnify any thing I want to read in bw or color. It may
be several weeks before I get it. so please be patient, I still want to
help you, no more ass kicking, I promise.
Ben asks why do I and European manufacturers tell people to push cars
instead of using a wrench on the crank shaft nut. He says practically
all no urge using the wrench. True because most cars have slush boxes.
I must write articles so the novice with few if any tools or experience
can at least help themselves. the experiened use the methods best
for them. Too, some Alfas have little space to get to the crank nut
with radiator and shrouds in the ay, Chain tightening as I describe it
can be done by anyone with basic skills and tools. Sorry if this is
not exctly as I sent Ben but it is close enough. PLEASE, no tears or
sympathy notes. sincerely yours, Fred Di Matteo in sunny Florida
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