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Re[2]: 164 timing belt AARRGGHH

On Sat, 30 Nov 2002 15:28:27 -0500 (EST) Richard Welty <[email protected]> wrote:
> given that i don't have alfa special tool <mumble> on hand, and this car
> needs to be running monday morning, just how do you get a 13mm wrench
> over
> that bolt head that's buried back behind the power steering hose?

i think i could get a 13mm crowfoot on there, if i had a 13mm crowfoot. has
anyone done it this way? it may be off to the store for a set of crowfoot
wrenches tomorrow morning. right now, i'm stuck waiting for my wife to get
back from whereever she and my daughter are off to.

Richard Welty                                         [email protected]
Averill Park Networking                                         518-573-7592
              Unix, Linux, IP Network Engineering, Security
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