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Re: 164 S Won't Start

My dad's '87 Jag did this for a while (always started if you waited a few minutes, though), and after a few rounds of Lucas jokes it turned out to be a corroded battery terminal.

--On Saturday, November 30, 2002 5:51 PM +0000 alfa-digest <[email protected]> wrote:

Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 22:38:24 -0500
From: "Rex Cars" <[email protected]>
Subject: 164 S Won't Start

Richard is right, it is cold in Averill Park.

My 1991 164 S did an odd thing tonight:  it totally refused to even
think about starting.  I put the key in and turned it, and aside from
the relay in the dash that cuts out the headlights, no sound whatsoever.
No click from the solenoid, no groan from the starter, nothing.

The voltmeter shows around 12 volts (maybe 11.9).  Has the voltage
dropped too low.  What else could be causing this odd symptom?

By the way, it did this once before.  It was about a week ago, and after
sitting there like a stone for about 5 minutes it started up like
nothing had happened.  It then worked fine for about a week and now

It will probably run when I try to start it in the morning, but now that
its happened twice, I know I have to find out what the problem is or I
can't rely on the car.

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