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RE: Car Disc Operation in XP

John & Kathy Ortakales said:
> Jan.
> It's funny you should ask this because I just went from 2000 to XP a
> few days ago.  I tried running Cardisc on my XP system-and it would
> not work at all.  I called son-in-law over(he's certified with
> Microsoft) to see if it could find a way and he couldn't. What I ended
> up doing is using a third drive (loaded with Windows 2000) in my
> computer that I select through the bios whenever I want to run Car
> Disc.

Did you attempt to install and run the cardisk with XP's compatibility
software? I've seen where XP wouldn't run some programs, but was able to
using that compatibility wizard. I don't have a cardisc so I can't test
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