Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 13:30:47 -0600
From: "Robert Savi at TechStyle Computers, Inc"
<[email protected]> Subject: 86 GTV6 Fuel Pump still needs help
Thanks to all who have responded thus far. OK, here is the latest:
Pump does not operate while cranking. AFM door works and there is no
inertia switch on 86's. I tested the relay and it does crank. I also
hot wired the pump to the battery and the pump does work (swishing sound
and all). I cranked the car while testing for power to the wires under
the rear seat. No power in either wire.
I am worried that I am left with a broken wire. :-( If so, I've got
to figure out where the wiring goes to in the engine bay which cannot be
fun. Does anyone know the path the 2 fule pump wires take? It looks like
they veer towards the central tunnel. Can anone confirm if they go under
the center console?
Any other ideas?