Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:00:46 -0400
From: "Barrett, Jim" <[email protected]>
Subject: Plenum-pop, tea tray, and Costa Mesa
Greetings Digestibles, from southern California!
Yesterday, while starting our GTV6, the not-usual driver managed to "pop
the plenum" for the usual reason (giving it pedal while cranking); for
those not as fortunate to enjoy such events, essentially, the engine
back-fired through the induction circuit, and the plenum moved upward and
away from the intake-connecting rubber hoses. Fortunately, it is easy to
fix (AMHIK); what was interesting to note, was the subtle impression made
by the plenum to the hood insulation exactly underneath the "tea tray".
In previous discussions on this august forum (there's one of those Latin
words!), we had agreed that the "tea tray" was there solely for
decoration. Perhaps, as been speculated previously, it is there to absorb
such energy?
And, all those Alfisti coming to the AROC convention next month will be
able to view this amazing testament to the genius of Alfa engineering
(and a slight starting mishap!).
Jim Barrett
Huntington Beach (Home of the official AROC Beach BBQ 7/5/02), CA USA