As usual, Scott captures it in poetic style.. and yes.. one of the
most fun things about the car (after just driving it) was the "stealth"
factor.. It looked like some overgrown Fiat, or Datsun sedan (always
wondered if the 510 got its design inspiration from the Berlina) but
drag me at a stoplight.. I can't tell you how many BMW and 914 egos
were injured.. ;-) not to mention the late 70's smog choked Camaro's
and such.. most people scratched their heads thinking "what WAS that
thing??" till the silver lettering on the tail became apparent (and
smaller) as the car dissapeared down the straight or twisty road..
Jon and Marcia
still Alfaless in Irvine (CA)
Reminds me of a 1970's issue of the magazine "Wheels" which did an article
on the Berlina with a subheading something like ....