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Alfa chameleons / politically incorrect

In V8 #384 once again John Hertzman gives his learned views on the pros
and cons of changing the color of one's Alfa.

Two of the comments John made stood out, at least for me: "I would not
be disturbed by a rational choice of
engine room color, black, white, whatever in a durable,
solvent-resistant material with an entirely different finish on the
exterior, but a deteriorated
metallic silver lacquer engine-bay in a pristine newly-painted crimson
exterior would be a real turn-off for me."


I absolutely couldn't agree more with John's latter comment. When
someone does a quickie color change without painting all of the panels
which were originally body color, it's ugly and a major cop-out.

Interior floorboards I personally couldn't care less. Not too terribly
long I painted a white Round-Tail's floorboards matte black, with a
brush. Brushes can sometimes get into areas where spray guns have a hard
time. I didn't paint the car in the first place but had I, would
probably have painted the interior floorboards white.

Don't ever paint an older (or any) Alfa this weeks trendy color (like,
Ohhh Yuck Purple).

Do not agree with John's former comment. If one is 'doing it right' by
removing all of the engine bay's 'stuff', why not also paint it in the
body color? Sorry John, but it really is correct for 'our' cars (god
that sounds snobby). Yeah, Imron (sp?) will hold up to anything, but
'our' engine bays are works of art (at least up until '74or so) and
should be treated as such. Methinks I hear hissing. Someone must have a
tire going flat somewhere in cyberland.

I'll admit my knowledge of English cars goes up to about 1959, but
always think of engine bays painted differently than the exterior as
being veddy, veddy British.

In conclusion, can one imagine a 750 / 101 / 105 Alfa Spider with the
exterior one color and the interior painted surfaces another? Oh my,
bring me my smelling salts.

Irwindale, CA USA

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