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Rear ends of 164

I agree with Tim Hancock that there's something not quite right about the 
164 rear suspension. It corners well and handles well but it feels as if it 
bump steers badly, which it doesn't but it feels as if it does. Very 
curious actually.

The big negative camber up front, differential tire pressures (higher front 
than rear) extreme front weight bias, and the curious camber changes at the 
rear have me puzzled. They work extremely well but they shouldn't really 
feel as good as they do.

The "acid" test for me is always the comparison between absolute on the 
limit dry road handling and the same for snow or ice handling. The 164, 
like the GTV6 and Milano, handle exactly the same way, wet, dry or icy. 
That for me is the benchmark for handling for a street car. Drive like hell 
no matter what. SAAB handles this way also, though differently from Alfa. 
Der Deutsche autos such as BMW, Porsche (sorry couldn't resist) and almost 
every other make I have driven handle very differently with changes in 
traction. This is acceptable for a racing car where you can change the 
tires or suspension settings and where you are repeating lap after lap. 
However, a fast street car should be predictable all of the time. You can 
only drive as fast as possible if you have confidence the car will behave 
as expected, always.

Bottom line, that is my complaint about German cars in general. They make 
lousy choices for a fast street car, because you have to keep adapting to 
their deficiencies on one surface or condition or another. Possibly Quattro 
Audi are different in this respect. I never liked Audi until this latest 
crop beginning with the last A4, just now superceded. The new design 
philosophy at Audi has produced some very fast road cars that handle like a 
dream. Mind you, with full time awd they should handle difficult road 
conditions like a dream. I'm dreaming of a Selespeed awd Alfa myself, now 
that really would be a fast point  to point road car....
Michael Smith
Calgary, Alberta
91 Alfa 164L, White, original owner

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