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Re: Milano heater mix valve
the actual valve can be "seen" from driver's foot well, looking up toward
top of the blower motor. The valve itself looks like 2 sliding blades.
One fixed with a stop bent 90 degree from the surface. The other rotates
around the first.
First check to see if when you turn the heater to off, what is the
heater valve's stop position. Some times it may not be at the "off"
To adjust this, the easierst way is probably remove the center vent
and hopefuly if your hand is not very big, you might be able to follow
the cable from behind the heater knub toward the valve, there should be
an adjusting knuckle. Turn ths knuckle will move the valve's arm's
Try to send it to "off" position and see if that helps.
There have been reported cases where the "off" position isn't exactly
"off", and that slightly open position might be the real off position...
so experiement a little.
If you have hard time reaching the knuckle, you might try removing the
radio. If all fails, pull the center console. Some might even be able to
reach the knuckle tracing the cable from the valve and up... the knuckle's
position might not be eactly the same from car to car... at least they
have been different between my 2 milanos...
if the stop position adjustment does not fix the hot coolant leaking thru
the valve, then you might have to replace the valve...
good luck
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