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administrivia: OT, spam related, important

this morning, my spam traps caught a piece of singular and offensive
spam directed to the bmw-digest. i need a little help on something

the spammer appears to have set up a web site and is pretending to
take donations for victims of  yesterday's tragedy. he has liberally
sprinkled his email with references to the red cross, and is using a
drop box email address of [email protected]

i have determined the place on the network where the spam was injected
(a wholesale dialinx POP in Omaha, Nebraska), and reported the spam to
the ISP in question. has already nuked his drop box. i have
informed the FBI and the Red Cross.

but i am missing one piece of the puzzle. because the spam passed
through the demime process before it got bounced, i don't have the URL
of the website he was advertising. if anyone has received a copy of
this spam (subject line of "Help for the Red Cross and the victims of
our Nations tragedy", please send me all copies, complete and with all
email headers intact (complete headers include received: lines, if
you're not seeing them you aren't seeing all the headers.)


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