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Re: Logo (+ Donald Trump Trademark Lawsuit)

I'm a long time digester.  The information that I posted regarding the administrative contact for 
the domain name "" is readily available to anyone on the Internet knowledgable 
of the WHOIS command.   The name, address and telephone number is the information given for that 
domain name - perhaps a quick call or letter to this individual could resolve Colin's current 

- -August

Separately, seeing the story about Gallo handling trademark issues reminded me of a small business 
which made business cards being sued by Donald Trump for trademark infringement.  The name of the 
business? -- Trump Card Company (or something to that effect).  Makes sense - a play on words - 
"cards", "trump".  The Donald won the case.

=Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 09:08:54 EST
=From: [email protected]
=Subject: Logo
=Mr. Brugnoli works for ARDONA and I think he's pretty much in charge there.He's doing his job by
=posting such a mail, as sad as it might be to admit this. Alfa, however, sould not take such 
=action against the people that most support their cause in US mainly. You know what?: Why not one 
=of you guys from Alfa that read this Digest actually TAKE 5 minutes and post a little article and 
=explain and show some support.This is something that even ARI/ ARDONA could do. In regards to this 
= "From: [email protected]
=Subject: Re Colin's web page woes
=For your information, the administrative contact for is:
=Modugno, Nat (NM4507)           [email protected]
=                       Alfa Romeo Inc.
=                       250 Sylvan Avenue
=                       Englewood Cliffs , NJ 07632
=                       (626) 296-5561"
=Who are you, Sir?Do you speak in any capacity?
=On a different subject: would any of the Digesters that have been with the Digest since it's
=beginning like to post about the history of the Digest?Maybe Richard could say a few words?I
=find it very interesting, it would be (to me at least) like a series.Like how did the Digest
=look like at the time when Alfa was still selling in US? What was the topic and the general
=mood?I know somebody made a very interesting post about this recently. Vlad '91 164L


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