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"Missing" sections of 164 shop manual
- Subject: "Missing" sections of 164 shop manual
- From: [email protected]
- Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 20:22:54 EST
In AD7-1253 Ken Stevenson writes: "In both the cardisc CD and my printed
version of the 164 service manual, page 16-40 is missing. The missing page
illustrates removal of the governor from the automatic transaxle. The page
between 39 and 41 is marked, "This page of the shop manual was blank".
However, steps 3 through 13 are missing . Would anyone having access to
this service manual page kindly share it with me?"
Gladly, but this is probably not the last such problem, and users of 164
manuals (or the cardisk) may want to check their editions for other problems.
Judging by both paper quality and print quality my hardcopy was evidently not
printed in Italy (despite what it says on the last page) but photocopied by
ARDONA for distribution to "authorized mechanics" being trained at Orlando;
one such "mechanic" (who "din't need no book to fix no car") at my
"authorized dealer" sold me his copy for half the list price. Sounds like
Cardisk may have done their CD from an Orlando copy - -
Ken's missing Section 16 Page 40 is there, on mine anyhow, directly between
section 13 page 57 and section 13 page 59. Section 13 is fine through page
41, and then the pagination sequence is 13-41, 16-24, 13-43, 16-26, 13-47,
16-30 and so on until you reach 13-59, 16-42, 16-1, 16-44, 16-3 and so on.
16-43 comes right after 21-4. They apparently copied one side of every page,
then copied the other side, but only somebody accidentally mixed part of the
stack. Probably dropped it.
So- I am sending Ken the specifics of section 16 page 40 separately, but if
Ken's copy, the CarDisk original, and mine are all shuffled, probably others
are too. I don't know a better cure than going through both volumes page by
page and recopying, in correct sequence, the shuffled parts. Good luck - -
John H.
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