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Milano UNBALANCED "balanced assembly"

Hello everyone,

I bought a supposedly "balanced clutch assembly" but after doing lots of
different test on and off the car, I've come to the conclusion that the
assembly is not balanced.  I bought it from a racing shop in Florida, and
the part is from Germany.  The one test that assured me that is not balanced
is the one that I did with the assembly off the car.  I had it sitting on
the ground, at 90 degrees, and then I spun the shaft to see where it would
stop.  Well, it would always stop at the same point, and sometimes it would
even turn the opposite the direction to stop at the same old place.  My
problem is that I can't find a machine shop in Marin County, CA that would
balance it as a unit.  I had it at "Hat Racing" for 10 days for them to tell
me that they can't do it.  At this point I wouldn't mind taking it anywhere
in the bay area.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Please cc me at
[email protected]   Thank you for your help.

Nelson Laconich

'87 Milano 2.5 Gold

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