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Rear view mirrors
- Subject: Rear view mirrors
- From: "C.M. Smith" <[email protected]>
- Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 20:45:38 -0600
My sympathies for the lost rear view mirror, not having one reminds you how
often you need it. I think sharing ideas, even if they prove incorrect, is
valuable because you just never know.
This does remind me of a scene in Gumball Rally (the Cannonball Run movie
knock off which was in many ways better than the overdone original).
There's a beautiful Daytona Spider (redundant I know) to be driven by a
self styled flaky Italian racing driver, a "ringer" specially flown in for
the event. Signor Flake rips off the rear view mirror saying " the firsta
rule ofa Italian driving isa whata's behind you is not important", then he
pops the clutch brutally, just to drive out of the garage! They waste the
Daytona though because the only really memorable driving scene is when Il
Flake floors it while being pursued by a police chopper, and leaves the
whirlybird choking in the dust, very funny ( a Daytona coupe maybe but a
drop top surely couldn't outrun a helicopter, even though helicopters are a
bit slow).
Italian Job is still the best stunt driving movie I've seen.
Michael Smith
Calgary, Alberta
91 Alfa 164L, White, original owner
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