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"compitition stereo"
- Subject: "compitition stereo"
- From: "Don Happel" <[email protected]>
- Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 08:46:00 -0700
>What is "competition stereo"???
>The phrase conjures up images of dueling boom boxes down by the PJ's.
Well, you're pretty close. Gather a bunch of high-zoot car stereo (you can
almost leave out the car part in some instances) and have them judged based
on presentation (how well you can talk up your own entry), installation
(bonus if you have things like stepper motors to move pannels hiding your
amps and speakers and the like), and yes, SPL (how loud it will go).
They also have a category that judges the sound quality and to be honest,
some of them do a pretty good job of reproducing music at a less than ear
shattering level by using tons of electronic manimulation (DSP is just that)
to try to compensate for the fact that a car interior is intrinsically a
poor place to reproduce music.
Fortunately I saw the light while I was still in school and sold all my car
stereo equipment to fund a drag racing project - the idea of which is to
make the car as light as possible as opposed to the stereo world where you
want to add 100's of pounds of equipment... Shortly there after I traded a
hot-rodded 240Z beater for this primered, slow, absolutely best handling car
I had driven called an Alfetta which led to my next revolution - turning
corners is more fun than maximum G's in a straight line (though I'm still a
big fan of torque).
Don Happel [email protected]
"I'll take the analog, please, with a side of vaucume tubes"
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