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Re: alfa-digest V7 #952

In a message dated 8/9/99 10:28:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

<< Subject: Alfa run in So Cal
 Attention digesters in Southern California.  How about an informal Alfa run
 for the Los Angeles, Orange County and surrounding residents one of these
 weekends.  We can get together, take a nice drive, take a few pictures and
 end it the italian way.  (I meant with a good pasta dinner!)
 Redlands, CA >>

And for those that think ahead, find out now about this fall's AROSC wine 
tour, which will be held the last weekend of October (dress as a grape or 
something) in the N. Santa Barbers/S. San Luis Obispo County wine region.  We 
have a black of nice rooms set aside at a special rate at the Danish Country 
Inn in picturesque tourist trap Solvang, Danish capital of America.  Details 
are easy to come by.



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