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Re: Milano/GTV6 front Brembo rebuild?

At 06:53 PM 7/22/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I know this has been brought up before, but being that I didn't think that I
>would need a rebuild on my brakes, I paid no attention.  Anyway, what was
>the outcome of the rebuild kit for the Brembo calipers?  I have two cars
>with them now, and they both have close to if not more than 200K on them.
>Can the ATE kits be used?  Anyone know of a source for the proper kit for
>the Brembos?  Thanks in advance.
>Robert Allen

Below is a copy of a few of my postings on the subject. Hope this helps!


Hi all,
Last week I ordered some new bits for my gtv6: Tarox 20 groove brake discs
and Tarox XE brake pads, and a set of stainless steel braided hoses. Hhmmm,
nice! I had noticed that the car was starting to pull slightly under
braking, and a weird creaking noise was coming from the front as I pushed
the brake pedal, so I felt it would be better to rebuild the front calipers
(Brembo) before fitting the new brake prats (sorry).
Dismantling the calipers showed that the outboard piston in the left
caliper had rotated through 180 degrees, causing the pad to wear unevenly
and also causing the creaking noise. Off to my friendly parts vendor for
two service sets.
Surprise surprise, they're only listed for ATE calipers. Same story at the
Alfa Romeo dealership. And at Centerline online catalogue. :-( The AR
dealer could have the calipers rebuilt by a third party. Cost: 350 dutch
guilders (USD 160) plus 17.5% VAT. EACH! Valium-time.
However, when I took the caliper seals to the parts store, we found that
the piston seals for the ATE calipers are identical to the Brembo seals.
The dust covers however are not, so I had to reuse the old ones. But after
thorough cleaning and assembly with some brake grease and the new piston
seals, they look and feel as new. Still, I would have liked new pistons and
dust covers....
Question: does anybody know a source for Brembo service kits? If not, why
are they unavailable? The calipers are simplicity itself, so it seems weird
that they can't be overhauled.


At 06:46 PM 4/5/99 -0500, johnsnd wrote:
>I am pleased to see confirmation of this.  I was told the same thing by AR
>Ricambi when I ordered kits for my 82 GTV6.  At the time I did not know
it, but
>I have the Brembos also.  They said the kit was the same for both, so I
did not
>need to check.  OTOH, they told me several other things which proved to be
>incorrect, so I was not very confident I got the right ones.

Piston seals are identical, the dust covers for the ATE appear to  be
designed to sit further from the brake pad. The Brembo pistons have a
groove in the piston for the dust cover right at the edge of the piston. I
suspect that the ATE pistons have a groove about 3 or 4 millimeter (1/8
inch) away from the edge.

>Not sure why you would need new pistons, unless yours were damaged by turning
>180 degrees?  My service kits did not include the pistons.  Did your ATE kit
>include them?

No, but the chrome plating of one of the pistons was damaged by a few (very
small) rustspots near the dust cover.

>I was under the impression that my kits would include everything needed
for the
>overhaul.  I guess I need to check to see if they are compatible with the
>Brembos, which I have not rebuilt yet. 

I just used the piston seals. Fortunately, these are the bits that are most
likely to wear.


Met vriendelijke groeten, regards
Dr.Ir. J.H. Bouma  <[email protected]>
University of Twente, Dept. of Energy Technology
tel.: (0)53 - 489 40 98
fax: (0)53 - 489 36 63


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