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Re: alfa-digest V7 #905

[email protected] writes:
>Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 18:49:35 -0600 (MDT)
>From: OGORZALEK  JAY THOMAS JAMES <[email protected]>
>Subject: overheating GTV-6
>Thanks to those who replied with some suggestions. I already have a 13 lb.
>cap on the system, the pump replaced, radiator raughted out, hoses
>good, and the thermostat is fine.
>Although I only have 1 out of the 2 fans working, it still boils over
>horrendesouly; even today just going to the grocery store and back! No
>terrible stop and go traffic, even! My Alfa mechanic says it "just
>happens" and that the car "has had some gremlins in it." Now, just to the
>store and back? I think it's a little absurd! 
>In addition, when the car really overheats, it bucks and hesitates
>terribly, and has even stalled a few times. Could this be due to some sort
>of vapor lock problem? If so, how does it relate to the overheating? 
>I had the belt to the A/C cut and the pulley removed, so as to alleviate
>some of the strain on the motor, but could that have done something, too?
>I know a lot of people have been having trouble w/ overheating v-6s, but
>raughting out has seemed to help. I think this may be a problem of a
>different sort. Any help would be appreciated ASAP as I am traveling from
>Denver to Chicago in a few weeks, and don't feel like paying for a tow in
>the middle of Nebraska (no offense intended, Husker fans). 
>Jay Ogorzalek
>'83 GTV-6
>Boulder, CO 

You really need 2 fans but you seem to have other problems for it to
overheat just to the store and back in "not so terrible stop and go" but
if it is enough stop and go to kick in both fans, that could be a factor. 
Is it possible that you have air in the system?   Look in the plastic
container when the engine heats up and the thermostat opens.  Is the water
circulating?  One hose overlooked (not sure if there is one on the 83) is
the small skinny hose from the plastic container to the top left radiator.


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